Digital Archiving Resources

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Jeff Rothenber’s Avoiding Technological Quicksand addresses the fragility of digital documents and information, and suggests that “emulation” is the most reliable way to prolong the life of data, while also discussing the limitations of several…

The "Best Practice Guidelines for Digital Collections" provides the essential, critical standards that all digital librarians, archivists and scholars should implement when designing a digital collection. The article also includes guidelines for…

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Within this academic journal, Wasson et al provides the reader with both research and findings from their self-conducted workshop that sparks conversation between “fields of user-centered design (UCD) and language archives” (Wasson et al). Within the…

Noted archivist and library educator Frederick Stielow provides a comprehensive guide to efficiently adding content to the Web - and to creating Web-based descriptions and finding aids that will draw surfers to the library's, museum's, or other…

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This conference by Meyer et al discusses the concept of digital archive building and the best methods to, “search for an applicable and adequate data or document model [and] software tools which meets the requirements” (Meyer et al) of making digital…

This article asks if it is worth the time and resources to collaborate with other digital archives. It explores six digital archives that were funded through the Library of Congress’ National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation…

The California Digital Library (CDL) serves the University of California’s community and over 200 institutions including academic libraries, public libraries, museums, and historical societies. The CDL also sponsors several digital archiving projects…

Andrea Goethals, manager of digital preservation and repository services at the Harvard Library, delivered this presentation on 22 April 2011 to an audience of undergraduate students at Harvard University. Goethals aims at encouraging students to…

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Moore et al.’s “Collection-Based Persistent Digital Archives” provides a brief view into the design and development of a persistent email archive that housed over a million messages, a project that offered students at Cornell personalized library…

A controlled vocabulary makes a database easier to search. Since we have many different ways of describing concepts, drawing all of these terms together under a single word or phrase in a database makes searching the database more efficient as it…
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