Digital Archiving Resources

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Community Archives is part of a series called Principles and Practices in Records Management and Archives. The series aims to augment the body of professional knowledge and understanding currently available. Each book in the series offers a detailed…

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Data Archiving discusses how science depends on good data. Most data are central to the understanding of the natural world. The results of the study, when published, the data on which those results were based are sometimes stored unreliably. The…

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With the amount of data a business accumulates now doubling every 12 to 18 months, IT professionals need to know how to develop a system for archiving important database data, in a way that both satisfies regulatory requirements and is durable and…

Erway provides a succinctly defined list of fundamental tasks and issues to consider when creating and preserving digital collections. Born-digital resources are simply “items created and managed in digital form.” Erway begins his essay by describing…

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This article discusses the importance of differentiating between the terms digital archiving and digital curation and explains how the obfuscation of these phrases can limit the necessary resources that must be given to digital archiving practices.…

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Within his article “Digital Curation/Digital Archiving: A View from the National Archives of Australia,” Adrian Cunningham tackles the true definition of the term digital archive. Bringing in a perspective from the National Archives of Australia…

Daniel Cohen, professor of history at George Mason University and director of the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media and the late Roy Rosenzweig, professor of history and innovator in digital scholarship at George Mason University…

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This paper examines the key functionality for users of a web archive. The author argues the following components must be addressed: basic searching, browsing, advanced personalization, customized services, and data mining. A selection of ten English…

This book provides a comprehensive manual that covers key areas of archiving. Its audience is that of the novice and student archivist. In addition to it textbook format, the material in the book examines the role of the archival profession in the…

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In his foundational new media text, Nelson describes literature itself as a series of interconnecting documents, and suggests that society needs a universal system for storing and preserving texts. Though he writes in the early 1980s, Nelson's…
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