Digital Archiving Resources

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The Automatic Obsolescence Notification System, version 2 (AONS II) is a system designed by the National Library of Australia and the Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories to monitor archived digital files in order to help archivists…

Traditional information sources such as books, photos and sculptures can easily survive for years, decades or even centuries but digital items are fragile and require special care to keep them useable. Rapid technological changes also affect digital…

There are several varied types of electronic records, including legal documents, images, receipts, and personal correspondence that require unique methods of preservation. Hoke explains that due to rapid obsolescence of both software and hardware,…

In response to a ten-year gap between publishing surveys on library collections preservation, Karen F. Gracey and Miriam B. Kahn conducted an extensive review of the literature on digitization and preservation of libraries and archives. The…

Recordkeeping metadata have been instrumental in constructing and promulgating, as well as reflecting, narratives for their era from antiquity into the digital age across cultures and belief systems. They thus can serve as a critical apparatus for…

Mike Kastellec explores the technological and non-technological factors that impede a digital collection’s long-term sustainability. The technical issues, data loss and technical obsolescence affect all types of collecting institutions, including…

In this chapter, Duncan and Ekmekcioglu present a range of responses by digital libraries and repositories to their institutions and users. Most institutions blend features of three models: massive repositories, which provide wide access but limit…

The documents and files created and stored in composer Jonathan Larson’s computer were donated to the Music Division of the Library of Congress upon Jonathan’s death. Doug Reside, digital curator for the New York Public Library of the Performing Arts…

Preservation of digital data requires anticipation of potential threats to the integrity and authenticity of the items. Although future environmental and intelligence threats may be impossible to predict and thus, prepare for, Henry M. Gladney…

In her presentation to the 2009 Media in Transition 6 Conference, Alison Byerly appeals to scholars of all disciplines to take an interest in web archiving and preserve the born digital byproducts of their daily online transactions. Byerly…
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