Digital Archiving Resources

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Traditional information sources such as books, photos and sculptures can easily survive for years, decades or even centuries but digital items are fragile and require special care to keep them useable. Rapid technological changes also affect digital…

In her presentation to the 2009 Media in Transition 6 Conference, Alison Byerly appeals to scholars of all disciplines to take an interest in web archiving and preserve the born digital byproducts of their daily online transactions. Byerly…

Lasers scan buildings and landmarks to create digital records in three dimensions

This working document focuses on developing strategies, policies, and technologies necessary to ensure the longevity and integrity of digital publications. The goal for this text is to inform institutions on how to address the opportunities and…

“The State of Digital Preservation: An International Perspective: An international Perspective. Conference Proceedings is defined as a “collective of papers” published and released April 24th, 2002. These collective papers of text have many…

Cultural heritage professionals – museum curators, museum professionals, archivists and librarians – work with their specialized knowledge to prioritize the needs of their collections. Preservation managers draw on experts in climate control, fire…

The following article goes into detail regarding a study that was conducted to “the challenges of preserving information in the digital age, and explores how this may affect the future of historical knowledge.” The study itself is the result of “a…
This article focuses on the founder of the Video Game History Foundation’s argument for why video games should be preserved

On his radio show, Kojo Knamdi interviews three people involved in the Digital Public Library of America, a project that focuses on digitizing information from libraries, museums, and archives from around the nation and making them available online.…

“The Digital Dilemma: Strategic Issues in Archiving and Accessing Digital Motion Picture Materials” by the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences is a work of text consisting of 84 pages. It was published in the year 2007 as an open source…
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