Digital Archiving Resources

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This article, written by four librarians from the University of Utah, introduces us to the idea of “collections as data” as a way to further improve and expand upon digital archiving methods used all over the world today. While librarians and…

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Given modern society's need to control its ever-increasing body of information, digital libraries will be among the most important and influential institutions of this century. With their versatility, accessibility, and economy, these focused…

The author talks about one of the most controversial questions in copyright law today concerns the proper scope of protection for unpublished works, a few examples of these are letters, diaries, journals, reports, and/or drafts that the owner of it…

John P. Wilkin, executive director of HathiTrust and associate research librarian for the University of Michigan, provides an in-depth report on the current percentages of published works that are at various stages of public domain and in-copyright.…

The Guide to Security Considerations and Practices for Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collection Libraries is the first such book intended specifically to address security in special collection libraries. Containing nineteen chapters, the book…

The three authors of this article discuss three different repositories which house confidential, legally protected content and describe measures each institution takes to balance the archival values of preserving and providing access to its holdings…

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This chapter examines the complications that are present when attempting to digitally archive spoken languages, focusing on how researchers and archivists must act to minimize or avoid property right violations. Widlok first explains why researchers…

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Data Archiving discusses how science depends on good data. Most data are central to the understanding of the natural world. The results of the study, when published, the data on which those results were based are sometimes stored unreliably. The…

“Case of the Puzzling Personal Digital Archive” by writers Wendy Hagenmaier, Oscar Gittemeier and Michelle Kirk is a presentation hosted by NYU’s Moving Image Archiving and Preservation program. The program is working in collaboration with NYU…

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Susan Wells’ "Claiming the Archive for Rhetoric and Composition" is broken into three sections where she outlines the “gifts” of “resistance,” “freedom,” and “possibility” that digital archiving technology affords composition and rhetoric students,…
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