Digital Archiving Resources

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Getting Permission offers a simple look into the copyright permission process, as well as going over content that is in the public domain and the "fair use" law, in addition to other intricacies related to the process of obtaining permission from…

In this podcast, Jefferson Bailey of the New York Library Council and Joshua Ranger of Audiovisual Preservation Solutions discuss ways in which archivists can preserve documentation of activism. They interview Grace Lile and Yvonne Ng, both of whom…

In this video interview, Lawrence Lessig speaks about the nature of copyright in the digital age. Speaking at the Search Engine Strategies Conference and Expo in Chicago, 2008, Lessig explains that due to our ability to produce infinite and vast…

The authors of this book argue that libraries are institutions of human rights and social justice and should fully embrace this role. They outline ways in which preservation institutions can integrate social justice and human rights in their practice…

In this academic journal, the authors discuss how the survey aspect of social media, Twitter in particular, presents an opportunity for a new way to collect data. It goes on to explain the complications in ethics that requires “a deeper…

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Rheingold chose to focus on the five literacies, especially collaboration. The reason why is because to live in a healthy environment in this world we must work with one another and network. In western culture and especially in American culture,…

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This paper examines factors that limit the ability of institutions to digitally preserve the cultural heritage of the modern era. The author takes a wide-ranging approach to shed light on limitations to the scope of digital preservation. The author…

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In “Proceed With Caution: How Digital Archives Have Been Left In The Dark,” Alyssa N. Knutson covers issues of legality on the subject of copyright within digital preservation. Described by Knutson as a “legal limbo,” digital archives teeter on the…

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This article gives a transparent view of how archives have been affected by white supremacy. Caswell provides simple ways for students and professionals to dismantle the signs of white supremacy in archives across the United States. Caswell’s…

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Social media and the internet has become a major presence in the lives of people that we have curated our own identities online, but what happens to this digital footprint once someone passes away? Even as the number of users and accounts on the…

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