Digital Archiving Resources

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Noted archivist and library educator Frederick Stielow provides a comprehensive guide to efficiently adding content to the Web - and to creating Web-based descriptions and finding aids that will draw surfers to the library's, museum's, or other…

During the research phase of History Detectives investigations, we rely on one tool more than any other: the digital image. We email them to experts, we enlarge them for details, and we use them to avoid handling originals any more than we must.…

The article presents information on an October 2013 meeting on the state of the field of database research which took place at the Beckman Center on the University of California-Irvine campus. Topics covered at the meeting included big data,…

The ubiquity of digital data and its seemingly effortless and transparent transmission in routine commerce and communication is rarely discussed from both technical and socio-political perspectives in one work. In this book, however, the authors…

This video showcases six presenters discussing the future of web archiving. Presenters include Stephen Abrams (California Digital Library), Martin Klein (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Jimmy Lin (University of Maryland) and Michael Nelson (Old…

“The Digital Dilemma: Strategic Issues in Archiving and Accessing Digital Motion Picture Materials” by the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences is a work of text consisting of 84 pages. It was published in the year 2007 as an open source…

Acord defines the digital humanities as humanities interested in expanding their research using digital tools. Rather than being prescriptive, she discusses individual examples. She mentions open access peer-reviewed journals as a more traditional…

ADHO supports digital research and teaching across all subjects, and is a community based advisory committee.

In this academic journal, the authors discuss how the survey aspect of social media, Twitter in particular, presents an opportunity for a new way to collect data. It goes on to explain the complications in ethics that requires “a deeper…

Community Archives is part of a series called Principles and Practices in Records Management and Archives. The series aims to augment the body of professional knowledge and understanding currently available. Each book in the series offers a detailed…
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