Digital Archiving Resources

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The revised edition of this popular one-stop resource covers the basics of digital licensing for librarians in a plain-language approach that demystifies the process

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Selecting and appraising archives and manuscripts is an introductory text describing the challenges and processes in selecting and appraising archives and manuscripts to ensure the maintained quality of an archive.

This e-publication covers how to work with different file formats, seeking resources, and working with metadata.

Protect your digital resources! This book addresses critical issues of preservation, giving you everything you need to effectively protect your resources-from dealing with obsolescence, to responsibilities, methods of preservation, cost, and metadata…

Practice of digital media and preserving photographs and history.

Oracle9i: SQL with an Introduction to PL/SQL not only prepares individuals for the first exam in both the Oracle Database Administrator and Internet Application Developer Certification Tracks; it offers a true understnading of Oracle9i: SQL and how…

THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION (NARA) completed construction of a new facility, the
National Archives at College Park, in 1993. Informally known as Archives II, it is the largest and most technically advanced archives building in…

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Discussion of technical needs for a new or developing archive or company.

This website is a brief primer on digital photos will deal with the world of digital photography and digital photos. It will answer some of the basic questions about digital photography such as What exactly is a digital photo, "What is DPI", and "How…

A controlled vocabulary makes a database easier to search. Since we have many different ways of describing concepts, drawing all of these terms together under a single word or phrase in a database makes searching the database more efficient as it…
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