Digital Archiving Resources

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The Text Encoding Initiative website gives straightforward instruction and detailed documentation on TEI, a subset of the XML markup language. The site provides a downloadable version of the TEI P5 Guidelines that gives a comprehensive overview of…

Gail Hodge asserts that the rapid dissemination of digital “objects” occurred with “little regard for the long-term preservation of digital information.” Given the nature of the digital world, her analysis is as relevant in 2015 as it was in 2000. In…

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In “Toiling in the Archives of Cyberspace,” Renée Sentilles argues, “Our relationship with sources changes as they become more accessible, more abundant, and less tangible" (136). Sentilles discusses the usability of digital archives, particularly…

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In his essay, Lev Manovich argues for the database as the key form of expression in digital culture, stating that the new cultural algorithm is a progression of information from reality, to media, to data, to the database. Manovich connects database…

Jerome McGann’s focus in this essay is directed at how crucial it is to establish both research and online scholarship as we reconsider the humanities in the digital age. He highlights the “systematic institutional dysfunction” as the crisis in…

In this article, Sean Latham discusses the changes to scholarly work since more and more archival work has become available through digital means. He examines how the constraints imposed by the former print-only text have been removed by digital…

This article juxtaposes the database and the archive, creating the idea of database as its own genre. Folsom, one of the editors of The Whitman Archive, begins discusses how photography for Walt Whitman was a form of database and how the archive is…

Since technology and innovative ideas for what composes the digital library are constantly advancing, case studies must be routinely conducted to continue to be kept up to date. This book is comprised of studies that are most current to 2007. It…

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This second edition of Jay David Bolter's classic text expands on the objectives of the original volume, illustrating the relationship of print to new media and examining how hypertext and other forms of electronic writing refashion or "remediate"…

Integrates and explains the role of writing, film, and photography in the digital world.
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