Digital Archiving Resources

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This easy-to-follow textbook provides a modern, algorithmic introduction to digital image processing, designed to be used both by learners desiring a firm foundation on which to build, and practitioners in search of critical analysis and modern…

Cultural heritage professionals – museum curators, museum professionals, archivists and librarians – work with their specialized knowledge to prioritize the needs of their collections. Preservation managers draw on experts in climate control, fire…

Digital Preservation in Libraries, Archives, and Museums represents a new approach to getting started with digital preservation: that of what cultural heritage professionals need to know as they begin their work. For administrators and practitioners…

In this digital landscape, the archival-oriented media theories of Wolfgang Ernst are particularly relevant. Digital Memory and the Archive, the first English-language collection of the German media theorist’s work, brings together essays that…

This thesis paper covers the importance of digital recording and it's development. It talks about while scanned images tend to make it to the digital archives, the original digital images don't seem to always make it into an archive. This thesis aims…

Eyebeam, the new media-focused nonprofit that takes its home in a cavernous Chelsea warehouse extremely close to the water, got hit hard by [Hurricane] Sandy. The water line on the inside of the building rose to three feet, and portions of the…

There are practical problems associated with documentation, preservation, access, function, context and meaning of digital art. How do we care for similar works, and which are the theoretical and methodological challenges for curating and preserving…

The contractor shall copy a collection of original nitrate and acetate film negatives from the collection of the contracting institution; approximately to negatives ranging in size from 35mm frames to 8”x10”. The total number of images to be copied…

The NARA Technical Guidelines for Digitizing Archival Materials for Electronic Access define approaches for creating digital surrogates for facilitating access and reproduction; they are not considered appropriate for preservation reformatting to…

A new policy directive establishing the internal NARA structural, environmental control, fire safety, preservation, and security standards for appropriate archival storage conditions in NARA archival facilities
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