Digital Archiving Resources

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This website is a brief primer on digital photos will deal with the world of digital photography and digital photos. It will answer some of the basic questions about digital photography such as What exactly is a digital photo, "What is DPI", and "How…

"Introduced by Clive Phillpot, and including artists and writers such as Gustav Metzger, Bruce McLean, Barbara Steveni, John Latham, Barry Flanagan, Edward Burra, Penelope Curtis, and Neal White, All This Stuff breaks new ground in the field of…

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Explores how art archiving is changing in theory, how our understanding of archiving is influenced and changed, and how archives can be made accessible. The topic of what archiving is, what it means to society, and the value it holds is addressed in…

ADHO supports digital research and teaching across all subjects, and is a community based advisory committee.

This article considers long-term preservation of digital heritage from a social justice perspective, with a specific focus on ethical obligations for archivists in first world countries. The authors envision two fictional scenarios to illustrate…

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This article explores the reasons that many archivists overlook digital preservation when archiving films, particularly focusing on the risks of digital preservation compared to its physical counterpart. Current methods of film preservation are…

The Automatic Obsolescence Notification System, version 2 (AONS II) is a system designed by the National Library of Australia and the Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories to monitor archived digital files in order to help archivists…

Policy makers generate digital records every single day, a fraction of which is preserved in archival repositories. However, accessing these archives is often challenging due to various factors like data protection, sensitivity, and copyright. While…

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The article, “Archaeological Digital Archiving in Turkey,” provides an in-depth look behind the curtain of the digital archiving scene across the globe. Found through the University of Central Florida Library, this article is available online at no…

A new policy directive establishing the internal NARA structural, environmental control, fire safety, preservation, and security standards for appropriate archival storage conditions in NARA archival facilities
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