Digital Archiving Resources

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The article explains the functions and operations of databases so as to aid those managing data storage in selecting the most appropriate one. It outlines the three types of data models in databases, relational, key-value, and hierarchical; different…

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The Text Encoding Initiative (TEI), an international collaboration aimed at producing a common encoding scheme for complex texts, examines the requirement for generality versus the requirement to handle specialized text types. The text also discusses…

Discusses information about the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI), a cooperative undertaking to define an encoding and interchange format for electronic texts. The text mentions the standards of TEI and what is expected by those who code. Later the text…

This article discusses the evolution of XML (digital markup language), and its ability to change the way in which the world works. In particular, the article discusses the importance of TEI and XML comparing the usefulness and usability to that of…

Since 2010, the application of QR Codes has sprung their popularity in various industries, allowing companies to bring customers directly to their site via scanning a code with their smartphones.
QR Codes have become part of digital culture,…

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This book addresses both practical and theoretical considerations for the creation, maintenance, and preservation of digital archives. While it offers a new approach of thinking about h digital preservation, the authors emphasize that it is not a…

Andrea Goethals, manager of digital preservation and repository services at the Harvard Library, delivered this presentation on 22 April 2011 to an audience of undergraduate students at Harvard University. Goethals aims at encouraging students to…

The Text Encoding Initiative website gives straightforward instruction and detailed documentation on TEI, a subset of the XML markup language. The site provides a downloadable version of the TEI P5 Guidelines that gives a comprehensive overview of…

Since its first-edition printing in 2003, The DAM Book has become one of the standard references for photographers trying to build and protect their digital archives. In this revised edition, Krogh takes a holistic approach, outlining what he refers…

This video showcases six presenters discussing the future of web archiving. Presenters include Stephen Abrams (California Digital Library), Martin Klein (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Jimmy Lin (University of Maryland) and Michael Nelson (Old…
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