Digital Archiving Resources

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Explores how archivists, authors, and researchers might collaborate so that digital preservation and digital scholarship may thrive

The editors of A Companion to Digital Humanities provide a historical and disciplinary context to computing in the humanities. This article gives an overview of the theory and techniques that digital humanities apply to the study of texts and other…

“The Digital Dilemma: Strategic Issues in Archiving and Accessing Digital Motion Picture Materials” by the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences is a work of text consisting of 84 pages. It was published in the year 2007 as an open source…

The New York Philharmonic has performed 15,000 concerts since it started in 1842, more than any other group in the world. Because of this they have a vast collection of historical items, including music, rosters, newspaper clippings, and every…

Since its first-edition printing in 2003, The DAM Book has become one of the standard references for photographers trying to build and protect their digital archives. In this revised edition, Krogh takes a holistic approach, outlining what he refers…

Author and archivist, Trevor Owens, discusses a wide range of issues relating to digital archives and preservation. In this blog, he describes crowdsourcing and offers a rationale for soliciting "citizen archivists" to contribute content to large…

Amanda Sikarskie gives a deeper look into the preservation of textile works, printed text, the nature of digital material culture, the role of audience participation versus curatorial authority online, audience-friendly collections metadata and…

In this article, the authors create a methodology to help deal with the integrity of long-term digital archives using cryptographic techniques. The first take create a token system for each item in the archive and then a key to identify and regulate…

The NARA Technical Guidelines for Digitizing Archival Materials for Electronic Access define approaches for creating digital surrogates for facilitating access and reproduction; they are not considered appropriate for preservation reformatting to…

These standardized guidelines published by the Federal Agencies Digitization Guidelines Initiative are what constitute the collection of best practices when it comes to digitizing images and documents. This is a document that is updated for the…
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