Digital Archiving Resources

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A selection of papers concerning what new media art forms are to be selected for inclusion of preservation in archives. With the implementation of archiving and curating in regards to media art forms from previous technologies, new upcoming…

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The issue pertaining to archiving in a digital age is the mass amount of information that cannot all be archived. Therefore the question of what is to be recorded is necessary, for preserving all information would not be ideal in terms of curating a…

In this TEDx talk, Jamie Robinson, photographer at the John Rylands University Library in Manchester, England, gives an introduction to heritage imaging and collection care. Robinson starts out by summarizing the history of the JRU Library archive,…

Russotti and Anderson give a good basic outline of Digital Asset Management. In contrast, or perhaps complimentary to Peter Krogh's The DAM Book, the authors bridge the gap between novice digital photographers and more advanced practitioners. Most of…

Focusing on the publishing industry, Victoria McCarger reveals the importance of archiving published articles and images for historical purposes. Print media documents history and McCarger challenges publishers in regards to their archival workflow.…

This article asks the question "What trace of our accomplishments will endure to be handed over to future generations?". It specifically focuses on the protection and preservation of digital assets. Archiving is not solely an institutional job, but…

This working document focuses on developing strategies, policies, and technologies necessary to ensure the longevity and integrity of digital publications. The goal for this text is to inform institutions on how to address the opportunities and…

This article focuses on the new challenges that have surfaced for the archiving of digital writing besides the already present challenge of the constant changing software and what strategies to use to conquer those challenges. Some strategies include…

This book focuses in depth on ideas of digital curation projects with interdisciplinary methods that unify the digital humanities and history, social networking, information architecture and other themes pertaining to digital curation. The…

In this article, the authors create a methodology to help deal with the integrity of long-term digital archives using cryptographic techniques. The first take create a token system for each item in the archive and then a key to identify and regulate…
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