Digital Archiving Resources

Preservation Issues


Preservation Issues


Preservation in the archive involves the process of historical representation and connotes security, safety, and assurance that the collections will remain intact and uncorrupted for future generations to enjoy. Digital collections pose unique preservation challenges and require an assessment of risks, both material and intellectual, as part of the planning and management policies. These entries illuminate standard archival preservation practices and present future trends.

Collection Items

New Roles for New Times: Digital Curation for Preservation
Tyler Walters, archivist, librarian and associate dean of Virginia Tech’s technology and information resources, discusses the nature and responsibilities of academic librarians as they undertake the collection and curation of digital content. He…

Authenticity in a Digital Media Environment
In January 2000, the Council on Library and Informational Resources (CLIR) assembles a group of professionals who were considered experts from different domains of the information resources communities to address the question: What is an authentic…

Principles for Digital Preservation
Gladney’s article discusses the issue of addressing user interests in digital preservation. He notes that much scholarship on digital preservation to date (at time of writing) focuses on the interests of artists and scholars but that the users of…

Campus Guides. ACURIL 2011: The Role of Libraries and Archives in Disaster Preparedness, Response and Research
Hosted by the University of South Florida Libraries, this conference on the role of libraries an archives in disaster preparedness and response speaks to one of the ways that libraries and archives are so important to the preservation of cultural…

Issues in Digital Preservation
This is a presentation by Covey to Carnegie Mellon University. She writes that in order to make a digital copy, one must have considered digital preservation and copyright law. If something is out of copyright, it can be copied. If the owner of…

E-Journal Archiving Metes and Bounds: A Survey of the Landscape
This report discusses 12 different e-journal archiving efforts. It finds that individual libraries cannot fully preserve what should be archived on their own. Most libraries cannot get the licenses needed to archive what they want to. And while…

Bringing Preservation to the Forefront: Preservation Initiatives as the University of Central Florida Libraries
This article addresses the preservation needs of an ever-expanding university. Preserving collections is an expensive effort that necessitates collaboration and ample patience. When preservation is not “a natural part of the institutional culture”…

DCMI Metadata Basics
The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, or "DCMI", is an open organization supporting innovation in metadata design and best practices across the metadata ecology. DCMI's activities include work on architecture and modeling, discussions and…

The Digital Public Library of America
On his radio show, Kojo Knamdi interviews three people involved in the Digital Public Library of America, a project that focuses on digitizing information from libraries, museums, and archives from around the nation and making them available online.…

Metadata for All: Descriptive Standards and Metadata Sharing Across Libraries, Archives, and Museums
Elings and Günter discuss the different standards used for coding metadata among different types of institutions. They explain different systems that can be used, including the data structure systems CDWA, MARC and EAD; data content systems CCO,…
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