Digital Archiving Resources

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In this article, Venezia discusses the influence of the archive on the comics of Alan Moore and proposes using the archive as a “model and method” for “reading the history” presented in similar types of graphic narratives. Ephemeral objects of…

17th century English royalist and diplomat, Sir Richard Fanshawe, left a rich collection of letters and papers to his wife that during the next centuries became dispersed and scattered. The acquisition of these scattered documents by a 20th century…

In their article, Cushman and Ghosh examine two different types of digital media used to represent culturally sensitive and significant artifacts: a classical dance of India represented by an avatar in Second Life, and the tribal Stomp dance of the…

Postcolonial archives in theory and practice generally oppose traditional archival principles of open access. Indigenous cultures transmit knowledge according to local custom and do not conform to the Western, positivist hierarchical structure of…

Libraries recognize the importance of digitizing archival material to improve access to and preservation of their special collections. This book provides a step-by-step guide for creating digital collections, including examples and practical tips.…

Cunningham avers that digital archiving, digital curation, digital libraries, and digital museums are distinctly different functions despite the common conflation of the terms by the public. In this article, he argues that digital archiving should…

This book presents information managers with all the strategic and practical issues to consider when making the decision to digitize their collections. It runs through the digitization process step by step, outlines the different techniques available…

Theimer reviews the fundamental principles of important Web 2.0 tools. She includes plentiful examples of how archives around the world have been successfully using each one, and provides step-by-step tips on what you need to do to implement it in…

Elish and Trettien argue the interface of digital collections transfers meaning through its design and acts as a metonym for the sponsoring web site. They scrutinize the visual interface and usability of three web sites housing large digitized…

In this article, authors, Hurford and Runyon, describe the series of tasks and types of collaboration needed to create a digital collection. These tasks include strategies for classifying and managing files, developing metadata, establishing criteria…
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