“Archiving” by Digital Writing and Research Lab is a family-friendly podcast episode released and published March 18th, 2014. In this episode of the archive the host, Megan Eatman, speaks to members of the Digital Writing and Research Lab’s Digital…
“Libraries Face the Challenge of Archiving Digital Material” by IEEE Computer Society is a podcast about how libraries are facing the problems that are presented by the modern day digital material. This podcast is used to introduce the ongoing…
The article presents information on an October 2013 meeting on the state of the field of database research which took place at the Beckman Center on the University of California-Irvine campus. Topics covered at the meeting included big data,…
Acord defines the digital humanities as humanities interested in expanding their research using digital tools. Rather than being prescriptive, she discusses individual examples. She mentions open access peer-reviewed journals as a more traditional…
Rice University’s “Our America’s Archive Partnership,” (OAAP), is an aggregation of diverse resources chronicling the history and culture of the Americas. In this article, Rice University professor, Melissa Bailar, discusses the scholarly and…
Found in the UCF Library through Primo Search, this book is a valuable resource to researchers, archivists, and artists alike. Today, all information has become digitized, either through a process or through digital creation. Data is valuable and…
The Early Americas Digital Archive by Ralph Bauer is a collection of works that provides access to various forms of literature such as: poems, prose, histories, diaries, journals, and letters written in or about the Americas from 1492 to…
In his introduction to Understanding Digital Humanities, David Berry traces the history of digital humanities—an evolving method and theory of interpreting the effects of digitization and computation on society and culture, while simultaneously…
In the day and age of modern technology, the process for preserving past articles is more important than ever. However, this article focuses on new archival processes for preserving existing archival work. This in hand discontinues old methods of…