The ubiquity of digital data and its seemingly effortless and transparent transmission in routine commerce and communication is rarely discussed from both technical and socio-political perspectives in one work. In this book, however, the authors…
At its inception, U.S. copyright law was intended to be a limited federal grant for the public good that promoted creative expression while balancing the First Amendment’s freedom of speech. Changes in the copyright law since 1976, compounded by the…
Institutional repositories resemble archives in that they store, preserve in perpetuity, and index their holdings. They thereby require a similar approach to building and maintaining their collections. Additionally, institutional repositories…
Pamela Innes, linguistic anthropologist at the University of Wyoming, presents a solution for protecting the privacy and cultural heritage of indigenous people while balancing the need for public access to archival materials. She proposes that…
Although the article is written for a British audience and the copyright laws and legislation regarding author/creator’s “moral rights” are different from the U.S. similar challenges from special interest groups and handling orphan works beset…
Digital libraries, museums, and archives have discovered a beneficial partnership with law enforcement. Digital forensics as a method for extracting “unaltered evidence” and establishing “verifiable and repeatable examinations” of the data has been…
The Guide to Security Considerations and Practices for Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collection Libraries is the first such book intended specifically to address security in special collection libraries. Containing nineteen chapters, the book…
A collection of papers delivered at the 1997 conference, "Economics of Digital Information: Collection, Storage, and Delivery," sponsored by the University of Oklahoma Libraries and the University of Oklahoma Foundation, this book explores evolving…
Naomi Korn, IP Consultant talks about the practical issues associated with rights clearances and the licensing around the creation and curation of digital content.
This video describes the basic idea for copyrights, trademarks, and patents using current examples and explains when it is appropriate to get each one. It goes also describes multiply sites that also explain each concept further in depth and helps…