Digital Archiving Resources

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Digital technologies dominate society today in ways likely not imagined when the first computers emerged in the 1950s. Phones and computers are an integral part of life, and with these technologies we as individuals are always creating new data. This…

Naomi Korn, IP Consultant talks about the practical issues associated with rights clearances and the licensing around the creation and curation of digital content.

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Social media and the internet has become a major presence in the lives of people that we have curated our own identities online, but what happens to this digital footprint once someone passes away? Even as the number of users and accounts on the…

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This chapter examines the complications that are present when attempting to digitally archive spoken languages, focusing on how researchers and archivists must act to minimize or avoid property right violations. Widlok first explains why researchers…

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The convergence of libraries, archives, and museums (LAMs) into monolithic organizations has been framed as a retreat from isolated, hierarchical institutions that are increasingly irrelevant in a networked age. The emerging prevalence of digital…

Fishman's book offers a guide on how to register a work with the copyright office, what works can be copyrighted, and how to avoid copyright infringement, along with other important information.

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Utilizing interviews conducted with internet researchers across the world on their various topics of study and disciplines in a variety of online venues, this book brings up and questions ethical issues that internet researches could encounter…

In a modern media environment in which fake news is widely disseminated amongst the public and previously trusted media sources are viewed with suspicion, those in the archival profession are tasked with finding methods with which fake news can be…

The project's goal was to research how and whether licensed access to digital content and copyright legislation affected the capability of libraries to offer long-term availability to that specific content, and to advise possible answers for any…

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Chris Needham opens the door on the common copyfraud that occurs when museums misrepresent or restrict rights in a way that go against public domain copyright law. Needham first explains relevant copyright issues such as the copyright of certain…
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