In this blogpost, Dan Cohen, executive director of the Digital Public Library of America, argues that square root sampling, a mathematically developed method for crime prevention, can help archivists make acquisition decisions, especially when large…
This video showcases six presenters discussing the future of web archiving. Presenters include Stephen Abrams (California Digital Library), Martin Klein (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Jimmy Lin (University of Maryland) and Michael Nelson (Old…
Michela Ferron and Paolo Massa employ a quantitative study of Wikipedia as a digital archive in order to show how one can view memory as an active process. The authors begin with a discussion of Web 2.0 as public, private, and modifiable, but unable…
This paper illuminates the multiple challenges of archiving naively digital academic content and emphasizes digital preservation is more difficult than print. Digital native content has dramatically increased with transition of academic journals and…
Phyllis Holman Weisbard discusses the ways of archiving web-based information. With so much former print versions of materials now available electronically, what she focuses on is how material that never had a print version (born digitals) are in the…
In this article the standards of metadata and tools are explored and questioned to see if they are the best options for ensuring protection and permanence of web archiving objects, such as snapshots of websites. The text questions whether the…
This article finds that though the web is a valuable resource for historical research, its information is significantly ephemeral. The text focuses mainly on web archiving and how its aim is to obtain, preserve, and provide access to the published…
In this text Clough uses the example of the Smithsonian museum to ask and then answer the question, "How can we prepare ourselves to reach the generation of digital natives who bring a huge appetite-and aptitude-for the digital world?" His text…
Abstract Artist and art subject file collections contain important primary source ephemera for art historical research—but what happens when the ephemera are online? The National Museum of Women in the Arts has been web archiving art-related online…
Drawing on the author's experience of managing the National Archives' web archiving programme together with lessons learned from other international initiatives, this book offers a comprehensive overview of current best practice, together with…