Eyebeam, the new media-focused nonprofit that takes its home in a cavernous Chelsea warehouse extremely close to the water, got hit hard by [Hurricane] Sandy. The water line on the inside of the building rose to three feet, and portions of the…
This book informs both individuals and organizations that are looking to train others on the methods and practices for digital preservation and curation. It stresses the importance of the education level demanded for digital information storage…
This article explores the reasons that many archivists overlook digital preservation when archiving films, particularly focusing on the risks of digital preservation compared to its physical counterpart. Current methods of film preservation are…
Digital Preservation in Libraries, Archives, and Museums represents a new approach to getting started with digital preservation: that of what cultural heritage professionals need to know as they begin their work. For administrators and practitioners…
Instead of the traditional step-by-step tutorials, this book references descriptive information on a large variety of topics regarding the preservation of digital archives and databases. The book is divided into 4 main segments that highlight some of…
Amanda Sikarskie gives a deeper look into the preservation of textile works, printed text, the nature of digital material culture, the role of audience participation versus curatorial authority online, audience-friendly collections metadata and…
This is a presentation by Covey to Carnegie Mellon University. She writes that in order to make a digital copy, one must have considered digital preservation and copyright law. If something is out of copyright, it can be copied. If the owner of…
The proceedings of a conference regarding the issues faced by the European Commission’s FP7 PSP-funded project, E-ARK. At the time of its publishing, the project had recently shifted its focus to open access, which had a profound effect on the…