In this article, Michael Moss archivist and professor of Library and Information Science at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, decries the user-centered philosophy of Web 2.0 and believes the emphases on “collective intelligence” and “lightweight…
There are several varied types of electronic records, including legal documents, images, receipts, and personal correspondence that require unique methods of preservation. Hoke explains that due to rapid obsolescence of both software and hardware,…
Traditional information sources such as books, photos and sculptures can easily survive for years, decades or even centuries but digital items are fragile and require special care to keep them useable. Rapid technological changes also affect digital…
The California Digital Library (CDL) serves the University of California’s community and over 200 institutions including academic libraries, public libraries, museums, and historical societies. The CDL also sponsors several digital archiving projects…
The Rice University digital scholarship archive is an institutional repository for faculty research, theses and dissertations, and various digitized collections owned by the university. The institution’s archive runs on DSpace and open source…
Lessig presents a variety of music videos which have been copied and parodied by ordinary people and uploaded to YouTube. One of the parodies features a baby dancing to music protected by copyright, which ultimately led to the publisher’s cease and…
In his lecture to the University of Central Florida on November 13, 2006, John Unsworth described two types of scholarship within the digital humanities: representing primary source materials, and building tools to manipulate and analyze these…
This article asks if it is worth the time and resources to collaborate with other digital archives. It explores six digital archives that were funded through the Library of Congress’ National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation…
Acord defines the digital humanities as humanities interested in expanding their research using digital tools. Rather than being prescriptive, she discusses individual examples. She mentions open access peer-reviewed journals as a more traditional…
This book's purpose is to review the historic practices of preservation with respect to artifacts preserved in an archive, but to also show the latest in modern techniques for the preservation of everything from documents to sound recordings. This…