Archiving Digital Photos
Archiving Digital Photos
This Youtube video provides education and standards on the functions and uses of preserving photographs through digital means. The Library of Congress offers not only how this can be done, but benefits to having this information under one's belt. The description of the video reads as follows:
"On May 10, 2010, the Library of Congress held Personal Archiving Day in conjunction with the American Library Association's annual Preservation Week. The Library invited members of the public to visit and learn about how to preserve their personal information in both digital and non-digital form.
Library staff gave talks about how to preserve specific kinds of information. In this video, Phil Michel, Digital Conversion Coordinator at the Library of Congress's Prints & Photographs division, offers practical advice on archiving digital photos."
"On May 10, 2010, the Library of Congress held Personal Archiving Day in conjunction with the American Library Association's annual Preservation Week. The Library invited members of the public to visit and learn about how to preserve their personal information in both digital and non-digital form.
Library staff gave talks about how to preserve specific kinds of information. In this video, Phil Michel, Digital Conversion Coordinator at the Library of Congress's Prints & Photographs division, offers practical advice on archiving digital photos."
Library of Congress
Library of Congress
McLean, Sarah
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Youtube Video
Library of Congress, “Archiving Digital Photos,” Digital Archiving Resources, accessed March 19, 2025,