Digital Archiving Resources

Discovering the Present, Preserving the Past: The Development of a Digital Archive at the University of Maryland


Discovering the Present, Preserving the Past: The Development of a Digital Archive at the University of Maryland




This journal article dissects the experiences and professional lessons absorbed through the development and planning of the University of Maryland Archive, implemented by the Health Sciences and Human Services Library (HS/HSL) at the University of Maryland. It delves into the archive’s historical background, beginning from the decisions made by the executive director of the Health Sciences and Human Services Library to commit staff and university resources to the creation and expansion of a digital repository purposed for the collection, preservation, and distribution of the university’s academic works, which included research reports, newsletters, meeting presentations, posters, among other visual and textual records. The article includes a developed project timeline with accompanying deliverables set in accordance to the goals and objectives of the project. It explores the technology implemented to achieve the maximum user appeal and functionality, reviewing institutional repository websites and actively seeking user feedback. Banners, attachments, and other visual customizations were incorporated into the archive by the project team, as well as auto-complete features for basic searches and advanced search options to augment user experience and commodity. It also documents the process of metadata management, digitization, licensing, and the development of a budget for its costs and the inclusion of additional staff for its upkeep.


Lin, Na and Hinegardner, Patricia G.


Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries, Taylor & Francis Online




Taveras, Sabrina


Journal Article


ISSN: 1542-4065 (Print) 1542-4073 (Online)

Bibliographic Citation

Na Lin & Patricia G. Hinegardner. "Discovering the Present, Preserving the Past: The Development of a Digital Archive at the University of Maryland." Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries, November 29 2012. 9:4, 247-260, doi: 10.1080/15424065.2013.734212




Lin, Na and Hinegardner, Patricia G., “Discovering the Present, Preserving the Past: The Development of a Digital Archive at the University of Maryland,” Digital Archiving Resources, accessed March 16, 2025,