Digital Archiving Resources

Ensuring the Legacy of Self-Taught and Local Artists: A Collaborative Framework for Preserving Artists’ Archives


Ensuring the Legacy of Self-Taught and Local Artists: A Collaborative Framework for Preserving Artists’ Archives


Personal Archives


Colin Post’s article focuses on the importance of institutions establishing a collaborative relationship with local artist. The collaboration comes from the personal archives of artists sharing their content to institutions. To ensure the long-term preservation of artists’ personal archives, institutions need to work collaboratively with artists in their local communities, offering artists the skills, resources, and support necessary to create and sustain personal archives. For this kind of collaborative relationship to succeed, institutions will need to develop new models for working with potential donors, emphasizing skill-building and support for the artist to manage his or her personal archives as critical goals, in addition to the acquisition of the material itself into institutional holdings. These institutions will provide workshops and information on how local artist can manage their personal archives. As artist manage their own archives in the best way, the institutions can be a repository for long-term community access to those artist materials should they choose to donate their work. Post uses a real-life example of an artist named Cornelio Campos who worked together with the Durham County Library.
This example further re-enforces Post’s stance in the importance of a collaborative relationship with local artist and institutions to preserve works of art in any form. Post’s explanations make it clear that the benefits of this outweighs any reservations.


Colin Post


Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America


2017 Spring


Abbygail Dees

Bibliographic Citation

Post, Colin. "Ensuring the Legacy of Self-Taught and Local Artists: A Collaborative Framework for Preserving Artists’ Archives," Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America 36, no. 1 (Spring 2017): 73-90.


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Colin Post, “Ensuring the Legacy of Self-Taught and Local Artists: A Collaborative Framework for Preserving Artists’ Archives,” Digital Archiving Resources, accessed March 18, 2025,