Digital Archiving Resources

Virtual Preservation of Contemporary Architectural Heritage in Developing Countries in Absence of Protection: Digital Reconstruction, Recording, and Archiving before Complete Disappearance


Virtual Preservation of Contemporary Architectural Heritage in Developing Countries in Absence of Protection: Digital Reconstruction, Recording, and Archiving before Complete Disappearance


Digital Humanities


This journal covers the topic of Malaysia, and how it is an area in the world where digital preservation is not that strong, which makes any historical heritage that can be found is at risk of being lost. As such, the journal covers cases where they go to Malaysia and gain digital version of information regarding historical buildings in Malaysia, such as the A&W PJ contemporary restaurant and the structure of another building's design. There are a lot of historical elements within the Malaysian area that showcase a lot of the culture of the people, as well as giving a better idea of how the people lived, showcased in the architectural structures of the buildings that may not be seen used elsewhere. As such, it is seen as a wise decision to digitally document this information so that it may be found again in the future, preventing any of it from being lost or destroyed overtime. Methods of preserving these kinds of data required for the researches to go to these locations in person, taking close looks at the layout of the buildings, taking pictures of the ways that they were structured and built, then coming back to create 3D models of the buildings as away to preserve their image.


Esmaeili, Human. Woods, Peter Charles. Thwaites, Harold




Gonzalez, Sean





Bibliographic Citation

Esmaeili, Human, et al.. "Virtual Preservation of Contemporary Architectural Heritage in Developing Countries in Absence of Protection: Digital Reconstruction, Recording, and Archiving before Complete Disappearance." 11th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems, 2015


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Esmaeili, Human. Woods, Peter Charles. Thwaites, Harold, “Virtual Preservation of Contemporary Architectural Heritage in Developing Countries in Absence of Protection: Digital Reconstruction, Recording, and Archiving before Complete Disappearance,” Digital Archiving Resources, accessed March 14, 2025,