Personal Archive Management with Digital Curation Concept on Students’ Smartphones
Personal Archive Management with Digital Curation Concept on Students’ Smartphones
Personal Archives
This article houses a study that goes into the concept of digital curation on students’ smartphones. This is a recent study that emphasizes the importance of modern-day evaluations of technology and archiving resources that are made available to students and the general population. The study starts by stating that digital curation is a vital aspect of digital archiving and then expands on this idea by examining how students use these curation concepts to archiving their content. This is done through the use of MIP students using MRA records to manage, or not effectively manage, their digital archives within their smartphones. The results of their findings show that each individual is different and unique in their archival methods. This leads me to believe that a more user-centered model is necessary for the evolution of widely used archiving models within smartphones.
I found this study to be extremely relevant to the new wave that digital archiving has taken with the advancement of the smartphone and cloud-like programs within them. Now that this archiving software is being made public to the general population, for archivists to fully understand and be able to improve on digital archives, they must also take smartphones and their archival systems into account.
I found this study to be extremely relevant to the new wave that digital archiving has taken with the advancement of the smartphone and cloud-like programs within them. Now that this archiving software is being made public to the general population, for archivists to fully understand and be able to improve on digital archives, they must also take smartphones and their archival systems into account.
Sembiring, Santana
Khairunnisa, Khairunnisa
Kurnia, Leila
Khairunnisa, Khairunnisa
Kurnia, Leila
Universitas Airlangga
Meagan Roge
Online Journal
DOI: 10.20473/rlj.V5-I2.2019.194-206
Bibliographic Citation
Sembiring, Santana, Khairunnisa Khairunnisa, and Leila Kurnia. “Personal Archive Management with Digital Curation Concept on Students’ Smartphones.” Record and Library Journal, no. 2 (2019): 194-206. Accessed April 8, 2020. doi:10.20473/rlj.V5-I2.2019.194-206.
Sembiring, Santana
Khairunnisa, Khairunnisa
Kurnia, Leila, “Personal Archive Management with Digital Curation Concept on Students’ Smartphones,” Digital Archiving Resources, accessed March 15, 2025,