Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: Third European Conference
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: Third European Conference
“Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries” is one out of many in a elongated series. This exact version is titled as the Third European Conference Proceedings, published in 1999. The purpose of this text is to enhance the skills of the readers by breaking down the individual means of archinging separated by every chapter. The text first breaks down the “text-book” approaches of digitizing and categorizing images for digital downloading and archiving. The text then goes into the various methods of doing this, but in what they believe to be in more efficient manners. There are many tools and methods explained in the text for “first time users” of archiving and digitization. This is an essential addition to the archiving website because it has various instructions that can be help to a first time user to these new programs for archiving. In addition, it offers a lot of design guidelines and assistance in regard to aesthetics to make it easier for the reader to present their information for a wider audience. This is an extremely relevant addition because many instructions for archiving assume that every reader knows the basics. This text offers information in a way that a beginner or an expert can gain valuable knowledge from.
ECDL ‘99 (1999: Paris, France); Abiteboul, S. (Serge); Vercoustre, Anne-Marie.
Clara Pulido, Jacquelyn Curtin, Truc Duong
ISBN: 978-3-540-66558-8
Bibliographic Citation
Abiteboul, Serge. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: Third European Conference, ECDL 99, Paris, France, September 22-24, 1999: Proceedings. Berlin: Springer, 1999.
ECDL ‘99 (1999: Paris, France); Abiteboul, S. (Serge); Vercoustre, Anne-Marie. , “Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: Third European Conference,” Digital Archiving Resources, accessed March 7, 2025,