Digital photography has recently become one of society's important means of recording. For this reason it has also become a potential archival record of great significance. However, as of yet, few born-digital (defined in opposition to "made digital"…
The Queensland State Archive’s “Digital Archiving Discussion Paper: Informing an Approach to the Long Term Management and Preservation of Digital Government Records” was created to broaden public awareness of the digital content management needs of…
The issue pertaining to archiving in a digital age is the mass amount of information that cannot all be archived. Therefore the question of what is to be recorded is necessary, for preserving all information would not be ideal in terms of curating a…
James Purdy’s 2011 article builds on Susan Wells’ 2002 chapter "Claiming the Archive for Rhetoric and Composition,” in which Purdy discusses the importance of Wells’ previous “gifts” while extending and redefining it to include three new “gifts”…
The contractor shall copy a collection of original nitrate and acetate film negatives from the collection of the contracting institution; approximately to negatives ranging in size from 35mm frames to 8”x10”. The total number of images to be copied…
These standardized guidelines published by the Federal Agencies Digitization Guidelines Initiative are what constitute the collection of best practices when it comes to digitizing images and documents. This is a document that is updated for the…
This book is a comprehensive guide that addresses the modern-day challenge of creating, managing, and cherishing extensive photo collections. Spanning from vintage film prints to contemporary smartphone snapshots, photographs embody profound…
Postcolonial archives in theory and practice generally oppose traditional archival principles of open access. Indigenous cultures transmit knowledge according to local custom and do not conform to the Western, positivist hierarchical structure of…
Daniel Pitti, commonly referred to as the “main technical architect” of the Encoded Archival Description (EAD), explains the rationale for substituting EAD for the bibliographic type of record (MARC) used in libraries. He distinguishes archives and…
Video testimonies of Holocaust survivor stories are, in themselves, an archival medium. The conventions of shooting and distributing video convey an immediacy and an absence of cinematic artifice that reveal rather than obscure the unconscious and…