As the “Foreword” by Geoffrey Yeo says, Millar explains archives as “the tools we can use to help us understand where we came from and where we are going” (vii). Her book explains ways of understanding and supporting archives. It sets up important…
In her book Archives: Principles and Practices, author Laura Millar dives deep into the world of archiving, explaining archiving from the very beginning by breaking down the essentials of what an archive is and how archives are essential to…
The Library of Congress and Personal Digital Archiving by Mike Ashenfield was produced and released on May 5th, 2015. It is an open source instruction and informational guide on various personal digital archiving resources. There is a total of 300…
This article gives a transparent view of how archives have been affected by white supremacy. Caswell provides simple ways for students and professionals to dismantle the signs of white supremacy in archives across the United States. Caswell’s…
This conference by Meyer et al discusses the concept of digital archive building and the best methods to, “search for an applicable and adequate data or document model [and] software tools which meets the requirements” (Meyer et al) of making digital…
In this podcast, Jefferson Bailey of the New York Library Council and Joshua Ranger of Audiovisual Preservation Solutions discuss ways in which archivists can preserve documentation of activism. They interview Grace Lile and Yvonne Ng, both of whom…
“The State of Digital Preservation: An International Perspective: An international Perspective. Conference Proceedings is defined as a “collective of papers” published and released April 24th, 2002. These collective papers of text have many…
Utilizing interviews conducted with internet researchers across the world on their various topics of study and disciplines in a variety of online venues, this book brings up and questions ethical issues that internet researches could encounter…
Jerome McGann’s focus in this essay is directed at how crucial it is to establish both research and online scholarship as we reconsider the humanities in the digital age. He highlights the “systematic institutional dysfunction” as the crisis in…
Focusing on the publishing industry, Victoria McCarger reveals the importance of archiving published articles and images for historical purposes. Print media documents history and McCarger challenges publishers in regards to their archival workflow.…