Digital Archiving Resources

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This paper illuminates the multiple challenges of archiving naively digital academic content and emphasizes digital preservation is more difficult than print. Digital native content has dramatically increased with transition of academic journals and…

The Curator's Handbook.jpg
This is the essential handbook for curators and students interested in curation. This book covers all areas of curation from mapping out all the stages of the exhibition-making process to the installation. The history of curation is discussed as…

This article explores the smartphone as a complex tool in the context of forced migration. The article explains how smartphones not only follow migrants but also document their journey through digital objects in times of conflict, displacement, and…

In their article, Cushman and Ghosh examine two different types of digital media used to represent culturally sensitive and significant artifacts: a classical dance of India represented by an avatar in Second Life, and the tribal Stomp dance of the…

Examines how the archive evolved to include new technologies, practices, and media, and how it became the apparatus through which we map the everyday

Great attention and focus has been made towards preserving physical documents, pages, and books. However, as we become more technologically advanced our attention has shifted. There is a great need for improvements and maintenance with regards to our…

The New York Philharmonic has performed 15,000 concerts since it started in 1842, more than any other group in the world. Because of this they have a vast collection of historical items, including music, rosters, newspaper clippings, and every…

Recordkeeping metadata have been instrumental in constructing and promulgating, as well as reflecting, narratives for their era from antiquity into the digital age across cultures and belief systems. They thus can serve as a critical apparatus for…

Integrates and explains the role of writing, film, and photography in the digital world.

Data collection is constant and even insidious, with every click and every "like" stored somewhere for something. This book reminds readers that data is anything but "raw," that we shouldn't think of data as a natural resource but as a cultural one…
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