Digital Archiving Resources

Browse Items (454 total)

In this article, authors, Hurford and Runyon, describe the series of tasks and types of collaboration needed to create a digital collection. These tasks include strategies for classifying and managing files, developing metadata, establishing criteria…

Tyler Walters, archivist, librarian and associate dean of Virginia Tech’s technology and information resources, discusses the nature and responsibilities of academic librarians as they undertake the collection and curation of digital content. He…

This book addresses six key concepts that are pivotal for understanding the influence of new media on contemporary culture. The specific chapter on Archive lays the groundwork for understanding digital archiving. It reiterates the work of Derrida and…

This article focuses on the new challenges that have surfaced for the archiving of digital writing besides the already present challenge of the constant changing software and what strategies to use to conquer those challenges. Some strategies include…

In this article, Sean Latham discusses the changes to scholarly work since more and more archival work has become available through digital means. He examines how the constraints imposed by the former print-only text have been removed by digital…

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Rheingold chose to focus on the five literacies, especially collaboration. The reason why is because to live in a healthy environment in this world we must work with one another and network. In western culture and especially in American culture,…

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This study examines Our Marathon , which is a digital historiography website created in response to the bombings at the Boston Marathon on April 15th, 2013. As a participatory archive, Our Marathon is an example of community literacy practice. This…

"The National Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage (NINCH) is a diverse coalition of organizations created to assure leadership from the cultural community in the evolution of the digital environment." "NINCH pursues its mission by: educating…

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Depicts the use of archiving by the National Archives and Records Administration, as well as other government departments. Through the use of tables, the application of various social media resources is organized by applicable department, their…

A primary preservation goal is to house all records appropriately based on their size, format, and composition. Housing
enclosures provide physical support and protection as well as a buffer against adverse or fluctuating environmental
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