Hand investigates political and economic power, digital technologies, and culture. Although he does not cite digitization as a cause of decentering economies or other cultural changes he does acknowledge broad trends related to digitization. One of…
Hosted by the University of South Florida Libraries, this conference on the role of libraries an archives in disaster preparedness and response speaks to one of the ways that libraries and archives are so important to the preservation of cultural…
The revised edition of this popular one-stop resource covers the basics of digital licensing for librarians in a plain-language approach that demystifies the process
Cultural heritage professionals – museum curators, museum professionals, archivists and librarians – work with their specialized knowledge to prioritize the needs of their collections. Preservation managers draw on experts in climate control, fire…
Ross Harvey's latest guide takes readers through the step by step process of creating their own digital archive. The book contains online resources, tutorials, and references that hep the reader learn the latest techniques in creating a digital…
In sizing up the notion of public memory, rhetoricians would be remiss not to consider the increasing influence of new media on today's remembrance culture. This article addresses memorial functions of the internet in light of recent scholarly…
Haskins examines the effects of the Internet on the memory work of archives and the informal, vernacular style of the broad public. Examples of the vernacular style of memory work include the spontaneous display of mementos at memorials or sites of…
Webinars have a unique advantage over books or journal articles in that they are interactive and allow viewers to direct questions to the host. Although no longer an interactive webinar, in this one-hour video Jim McGrath gives an overview of Omeka,…
This centers on the archiving and retrieval of digital material is an excellent resource for anyone who is responsible for preserving their personal and collective stories. It emphasizes the importance of capturing and preserving our stories and the…
Briston’s entry in The Digital Archives Handbook concerns the legal ramifications of archiving and the difficulties that occur when trying to ascribe proper credit to the owner of an archive entry or piece of intellectual property. She details how…