Digital Archiving Resources

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Higher-Education gets a make-over.

This article is concerned with how access to free and open-source software—as well as tools that can be purchased, downloaded, and/or accessed directly online—enable classroom engagement with digital humanities scholarship. Detailing the alternate…

Handbook of Research on Emerging Technologies for Digital Preservation and Information Modeling is a book that has become an authoritative resource. It is used for the latest research on the application of current innovations in the fields of…

Archivists, historians, and scholars agree that the accumulation of data circulating daily on the Web should be preserved. Yet, there are inconsistencies and gaps in the type of access to web archives created by various academic, public, and private…

Weller takes a look into the current history of the digital age in a way that it is palpable to both the traditional historian and the modern historian. The book takes a look into how the transition from traditional archives to digital archives is…

Historypin is an archive that uses a collaborative approach to create stronger ties with local history. Users—either individuals or institutions —upload records and denote the location of the object by pinning it using Google Maps. These records can…

This journal article talks about the importance of educating those at the local library or school level who are tasked with a digitizing or scanning project but do not have the proper experience to know how to manage or request the proper resources…

Examines history of Canadian archiving practices and argues for the continuation of machine readable archive (MRA) methods, ideas, and approaches in the present day

"In every family someone ends up with Mom's and Dad's "stuff"—a lifetime's worth of old family photos, papers, and memorabilia packed into boxes, trunks, and suitcases. This inheritance can be as much a burden as it is a blessing. How do you organize…

A how to guide on how to collect photos, physical or digital, into an online archive that will allow the consumer to preserve and maintain their beloved photos.
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