Digital Archiving Resources

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Russotti and Anderson give a good basic outline of Digital Asset Management. In contrast, or perhaps complimentary to Peter Krogh's The DAM Book, the authors bridge the gap between novice digital photographers and more advanced practitioners. Most of…

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A good overview regarding the practical aspects of collecting oral histories. The authors state that anyone with the time, resources, and interest can take part in the recording of oral history. There are no age barriers or educational barriers when…

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In this edited volume, Gesa Kirsch and Liz Rohan explore the "backstory" of what goes into an archive. They dig deep into the research, political aspects, and decisions on what to archive. Many of the essays address the considerations involved in…

Gail Hodge asserts that the rapid dissemination of digital “objects” occurred with “little regard for the long-term preservation of digital information.” Given the nature of the digital world, her analysis is as relevant in 2015 as it was in 2000. In…

The Text Encoding Initiative website gives straightforward instruction and detailed documentation on TEI, a subset of the XML markup language. The site provides a downloadable version of the TEI P5 Guidelines that gives a comprehensive overview of…

Webinars have a unique advantage over books or journal articles in that they are interactive and allow viewers to direct questions to the host. Although no longer an interactive webinar, in this one-hour video Jim McGrath gives an overview of Omeka,…

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Lacher-Feldman provides practical advice for archivists on creating entertaining and engaging exhibits using special collections materials. She discusses all steps of the process, from planning and budgeting to the creation of legible materials that…

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In Preserving Memory, Linenthal discusses the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. throughout all stages of its creation. He discussion the ownership of memory, whether political or cultural, and the political motivations behind the creation of the…

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In Part II of The Future of the Past, Alexander Stiille discusses cultural memory as it relates to the National Archive and the process of digitizing and converting nontextual material to a more stable format. Stille states that, at current staff…

Family archives are valuable because they tell a story about people and communities, future generations have a record of their history and ancestors, and they can become national treasures. In Low Cost and No Cost Ways to Preserve Family Archives,…
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