Archivists, historians, and scholars agree that the accumulation of data circulating daily on the Web should be preserved. Yet, there are inconsistencies and gaps in the type of access to web archives created by various academic, public, and private…
Handbook of Research on Emerging Technologies for Digital Preservation and Information Modeling is a book that has become an authoritative resource. It is used for the latest research on the application of current innovations in the fields of…
This article is concerned with how access to free and open-source software—as well as tools that can be purchased, downloaded, and/or accessed directly online—enable classroom engagement with digital humanities scholarship. Detailing the alternate…
This website was designed and produced by the UK Archaeology Data Service and Digital Antiquity in the US over the course of a two-year collaborative project. Designed to be a guide for good standards to follow in the world of digital archiving, it…
The Guide to Security Considerations and Practices for Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collection Libraries is the first such book intended specifically to address security in special collection libraries. Containing nineteen chapters, the book…
Solberg suggests that new digital environments have the “potential to reorient us—both physically and conceptually,” allowing new methods and possibilities for research, and new opportunities to socio-politically reposition the field of rhetoric and…
"Gone In a Flash?" is the recording of a digital archiving workshop conducted at Columbia University in 2012. The workshop illuminates organization and preservation practices important for individuals, especially academics, who want to make sure…
“Going digital: electronic images in the library catalog and beyond” is a book published all the way in 1995. In this year was when practical consumers began using the internet and saving their own data into their personal hard drives. It was…
Getting Permission offers a simple look into the copyright permission process, as well as going over content that is in the public domain and the "fair use" law, in addition to other intricacies related to the process of obtaining permission from…