Digital Archiving Resources

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This paper describes the expansion of web archiving in Singapore and its affiliation with international copyright law. The authors outline the concept of legal deposit in a modern and historical context. In addition, the authors contrast voluntary…

This paper illuminates the multiple challenges of archiving naively digital academic content and emphasizes digital preservation is more difficult than print. Digital native content has dramatically increased with transition of academic journals and…

This book equips non-professional archivists with the skills to tackle one of the most challenging tasks of archiving: arranging and describing archival materials. Carmicheal offers step-by-step guidance to understanding the purpose of organization…

The book begins with an overview of what archives and description are and how it relates to other tasks the archivist undertakes like appraisal, preservation, and reference. It discusses the core concepts for archives and description and how…

Data collection is constant and even insidious, with every click and every "like" stored somewhere for something. This book reminds readers that data is anything but "raw," that we shouldn't think of data as a natural resource but as a cultural one…

Phyllis Holman Weisbard discusses the ways of archiving web-based information. With so much former print versions of materials now available electronically, what she focuses on is how material that never had a print version (born digitals) are in the…

Focusing on the publishing industry, Victoria McCarger reveals the importance of archiving published articles and images for historical purposes. Print media documents history and McCarger challenges publishers in regards to their archival workflow.…

Jerome McGann’s focus in this essay is directed at how crucial it is to establish both research and online scholarship as we reconsider the humanities in the digital age. He highlights the “systematic institutional dysfunction” as the crisis in…

In this article, Sean Latham discusses the changes to scholarly work since more and more archival work has become available through digital means. He examines how the constraints imposed by the former print-only text have been removed by digital…

This book addresses six key concepts that are pivotal for understanding the influence of new media on contemporary culture. The specific chapter on Archive lays the groundwork for understanding digital archiving. It reiterates the work of Derrida and…
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