Digital Archiving Resources

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This article focuses on the new challenges that have surfaced for the archiving of digital writing besides the already present challenge of the constant changing software and what strategies to use to conquer those challenges. Some strategies include…

This book addresses six key concepts that are pivotal for understanding the influence of new media on contemporary culture. The specific chapter on Archive lays the groundwork for understanding digital archiving. It reiterates the work of Derrida and…

Tyler Walters, archivist, librarian and associate dean of Virginia Tech’s technology and information resources, discusses the nature and responsibilities of academic librarians as they undertake the collection and curation of digital content. He…

In this article, authors, Hurford and Runyon, describe the series of tasks and types of collaboration needed to create a digital collection. These tasks include strategies for classifying and managing files, developing metadata, establishing criteria…

Phyllis Holman Weisbard discusses the ways of archiving web-based information. With so much former print versions of materials now available electronically, what she focuses on is how material that never had a print version (born digitals) are in the…

Webinars have a unique advantage over books or journal articles in that they are interactive and allow viewers to direct questions to the host. Although no longer an interactive webinar, in this one-hour video Jim McGrath gives an overview of Omeka,…

Jerome McGann’s focus in this essay is directed at how crucial it is to establish both research and online scholarship as we reconsider the humanities in the digital age. He highlights the “systematic institutional dysfunction” as the crisis in…

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Abstract Artist and art subject file collections contain important primary source ephemera for art historical research—but what happens when the ephemera are online? The National Museum of Women in the Arts has been web archiving art-related online…

Acord defines the digital humanities as humanities interested in expanding their research using digital tools. Rather than being prescriptive, she discusses individual examples. She mentions open access peer-reviewed journals as a more traditional…

Oracle9i: SQL with an Introduction to PL/SQL not only prepares individuals for the first exam in both the Oracle Database Administrator and Internet Application Developer Certification Tracks; it offers a true understnading of Oracle9i: SQL and how…
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