Laura Molloy’s blog post reports on her presentation at the Digital Preservation for the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities Conference in June 2015 in Dublin, Ireland. Molloy discusses how humanities scholars archive their data, and are often…
This article examines the ways in which online archives challenge the concept of provenance. Monks-Leeson examines two online archives in detail, the First World War Poetry Digital Archive, hosted by Oxford, and the Walt Whitman Archive, edited by Ed…
Moore et al.’s “Collection-Based Persistent Digital Archives” provides a brief view into the design and development of a persistent email archive that housed over a million messages, a project that offered students at Cornell personalized library…
Oracle9i: SQL with an Introduction to PL/SQL not only prepares individuals for the first exam in both the Oracle Database Administrator and Internet Application Developer Certification Tracks; it offers a true understnading of Oracle9i: SQL and how…
In this article, Michael Moss archivist and professor of Library and Information Science at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, decries the user-centered philosophy of Web 2.0 and believes the emphases on “collective intelligence” and “lightweight…
Digital Archives and Collections: Creating Online Access to Cultural Heritage by Katja Müller examines how museums and archives create and curate their online presence. It explores how archivists in India and Europe decide how to create their digital…
THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION (NARA) completed construction of a new facility, the
National Archives at College Park, in 1993. Informally known as Archives II, it is the largest and most technically advanced archives building in…
A primary preservation goal is to house all records appropriately based on their size, format, and composition. Housing
enclosures provide physical support and protection as well as a buffer against adverse or fluctuating environmental
Depicts the use of archiving by the National Archives and Records Administration, as well as other government departments. Through the use of tables, the application of various social media resources is organized by applicable department, their…