Digital Archiving Resources

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The book contain different blogs and articles that all give different tips and guides on how to properly obtain items for a digital archive, such as the quality of photos and online message and how to make them fit for preservation. Some of the…

A guide addressed to the general public concerning the practices surrounding personal digital archiving. This eBook contains information regarding proper personal archiving procedure, personal essays reflecting on personal digital archiving, and…

This video describes the basic idea for copyrights, trademarks, and patents using current examples and explains when it is appropriate to get each one. It goes also describes multiply sites that also explain each concept further in depth and helps…

This book references information on why it is important to refurbish and maintain physical or tangible text. When resources and information become unavailable due to deterioration or missing text all together they become mundane and troublesome to…

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In his foundational new media text, Nelson describes literature itself as a series of interconnecting documents, and suggests that society needs a universal system for storing and preserving texts. Though he writes in the early 1980s, Nelson's…

At its inception, U.S. copyright law was intended to be a limited federal grant for the public good that promoted creative expression while balancing the First Amendment’s freedom of speech. Changes in the copyright law since 1976, compounded by the…

In this article, author Joanna Newman reports the findings of her survey of local community archives in New Zealand. Newman designed a survey to evaluate only archives whose records held sustained value for the governance, historical research, and…

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Nicholas Tanzi wrote a book to assist librarians on how to teach others to use the digital repositories and digital materials in the libraries database. Much like UCF’s library, most libraries have their entire collection online where you can request…

"The National Initiative for a Networked Cultural Heritage (NINCH) is a diverse coalition of organizations created to assure leadership from the cultural community in the evolution of the digital environment." "NINCH pursues its mission by: educating…

The functionalities that are important to the users of web archives range from basic searching and browsing to advanced personalized and customized services, data mining, and website reconstruction. The author examined ten of the most established…
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