Digital Archiving Resources

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Higher-Education gets a make-over.

In this blogpost, Dan Cohen, executive director of the Digital Public Library of America, argues that square root sampling, a mathematically developed method for crime prevention, can help archivists make acquisition decisions, especially when large…

This study addresses the following research question: is the use of text on the World Wide Web declining? If so, when did it start declining, and by how much has it declined?

This article focuses on the challenges institutions such as the New York Archive Museum (NYAM) face when dealing with born-digital institutional archives. The findings are presented through a case study of NYAM using three data sources: analysis of…

In this text Clough uses the example of the Smithsonian museum to ask and then answer the question, "How can we prepare ourselves to reach the generation of digital natives who bring a huge appetite-and aptitude-for the digital world?" His text…

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Chris Needham opens the door on the common copyfraud that occurs when museums misrepresent or restrict rights in a way that go against public domain copyright law. Needham first explains relevant copyright issues such as the copyright of certain…

In this paper, they review the traditional control methods, like RCS and SCCS, and how they fall short as they discuss alternative solutions. They also discuss a reference-based versioning scheme that are efficient in storing, retrieving, and…

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The image of the "digital hoarder," buried under the disorganized turmoil created by the volume of their digital possessions, has become an increasingly popular way for individuals to describe their everyday digital collecting habits. This article…

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This book tries to refocus the true purpose of social media and how it can be used to help further students’ education. The greatest issues educators face with social media is not privacy concerns rather motivating the students to participate in the…

Eyebeam, the new media-focused nonprofit that takes its home in a cavernous Chelsea warehouse extremely close to the water, got hit hard by [Hurricane] Sandy. The water line on the inside of the building rose to three feet, and portions of the…
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