Digital humanities is a new, emerging field and only recently has it started to take more notice of its application. T. Mills Kelly synthesizes the changes over time of digital history within the two decades. This book serves as a platform for people…
The authors of this piece aim to introduce the use of primary documents in the classroom to better engage students with the history they are learning. The article offers insight into inverted course models: those that emphasize hands-on learning in…
This article gives a transparent view of how archives have been affected by white supremacy. Caswell provides simple ways for students and professionals to dismantle the signs of white supremacy in archives across the United States. Caswell’s…
These standardized guidelines published by the Federal Agencies Digitization Guidelines Initiative are what constitute the collection of best practices when it comes to digitizing images and documents. This is a document that is updated for the…
The NARA Technical Guidelines for Digitizing Archival Materials for Electronic Access define approaches for creating digital surrogates for facilitating access and reproduction; they are not considered appropriate for preservation reformatting to…
In this article, the authors create a methodology to help deal with the integrity of long-term digital archives using cryptographic techniques. The first take create a token system for each item in the archive and then a key to identify and regulate…
The Text Encoding Initiative website gives straightforward instruction and detailed documentation on TEI, a subset of the XML markup language. The site provides a downloadable version of the TEI P5 Guidelines that gives a comprehensive overview of…
Amanda Sikarskie gives a deeper look into the preservation of textile works, printed text, the nature of digital material culture, the role of audience participation versus curatorial authority online, audience-friendly collections metadata and…
Social media and the internet has become a major presence in the lives of people that we have curated our own identities online, but what happens to this digital footprint once someone passes away? Even as the number of users and accounts on the…