Digital Archiving Resources

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The article, “Archaeological Digital Archiving in Turkey,” provides an in-depth look behind the curtain of the digital archiving scene across the globe. Found through the University of Central Florida Library, this article is available online at no…

The project's goal was to research how and whether licensed access to digital content and copyright legislation affected the capability of libraries to offer long-term availability to that specific content, and to advise possible answers for any…

Rice University’s “Our America’s Archive Partnership,” (OAAP), is an aggregation of diverse resources chronicling the history and culture of the Americas. In this article, Rice University professor, Melissa Bailar, discusses the scholarly and…

In order to see where we are going sometimes it becomes necessary to look back and review the steps we took to get to the place that we have landed today. The same thing goes for digital preservation. Charles Bailey notes and narrates previous…

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The climate crisis has altered many facets of life and has not neglected digital archiving. In her book, From Handwriting to Footprinting Text and Heritage in the Age of Climate Crisis, Anne Baillot calls attention to the digital practices of…

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Found in the UCF Library through Primo Search, this book is a valuable resource to researchers, archivists, and artists alike. Today, all information has become digitized, either through a process or through digital creation. Data is valuable and…

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The Text Encoding Initiative (TEI), an international collaboration aimed at producing a common encoding scheme for complex texts, examines the requirement for generality versus the requirement to handle specialized text types. The text also discusses…

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Digital just got simple. The Digital Church Archive was written to make the complexities of all things digital easier to understand, but goes beyond just understanding; it shows you how to use the information for your church, ministry or civic…

This book by Barrett Williams explains how the Raspberry Pi computer can be used to create emulators for old video game consoles such as the NES or other systems where emulation is more difficult such as the Sega Saturn

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This paper specifically examines personal digital record-keeping strategies, appraisal decisions, and identifications of value, as well as digital preservation practices from the perspective of Personal Information Management (PIM) studies. Through…
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