Digital Archiving Resources

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Daniel Cohen, professor of history at George Mason University and director of the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media and the late Roy Rosenzweig, professor of history and innovator in digital scholarship at George Mason University…

The California Digital Library (CDL) serves the University of California’s community and over 200 institutions including academic libraries, public libraries, museums, and historical societies. The CDL also sponsors several digital archiving projects…

The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, or "DCMI", is an open organization supporting innovation in metadata design and best practices across the metadata ecology. DCMI's activities include work on architecture and modeling, discussions and…

The Rice University digital scholarship archive is an institutional repository for faculty research, theses and dissertations, and various digitized collections owned by the university. The institution’s archive runs on DSpace and open source…

The editors of A Companion to Digital Humanities provide a historical and disciplinary context to computing in the humanities. This article gives an overview of the theory and techniques that digital humanities apply to the study of texts and other…

Lessig presents a variety of music videos which have been copied and parodied by ordinary people and uploaded to YouTube. One of the parodies features a baby dancing to music protected by copyright, which ultimately led to the publisher’s cease and…

In this video interview, Lawrence Lessig speaks about the nature of copyright in the digital age. Speaking at the Search Engine Strategies Conference and Expo in Chicago, 2008, Lessig explains that due to our ability to produce infinite and vast…

Daniel Pitti, commonly referred to as the “main technical architect” of the Encoded Archival Description (EAD), explains the rationale for substituting EAD for the bibliographic type of record (MARC) used in libraries. He distinguishes archives and…

In his lecture to the University of Central Florida on November 13, 2006, John Unsworth described two types of scholarship within the digital humanities: representing primary source materials, and building tools to manipulate and analyze these…

This article addresses the preservation needs of an ever-expanding university. Preserving collections is an expensive effort that necessitates collaboration and ample patience. When preservation is not “a natural part of the institutional culture”…
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