Digital Archiving Resources

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Technology holds the key to the future when it comes to preserving our rich history. Trends are quickly and have ultimately moved towards preserving data and printed text by transposing them into digital text. However, just like tangible text data,…

“The Long term preservation of digital documents” is a book published in the year 2015. It was originally written in German but was eventually translated to English to reach a wider array of audiences. It is categorized as a digital preservation of…

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Explores how art archiving is changing in theory, how our understanding of archiving is influenced and changed, and how archives can be made accessible. The topic of what archiving is, what it means to society, and the value it holds is addressed in…

Vallier contends archives are not “value-neutral institutions” and due to their inherent power to represent and preserve historic artifacts in support of their institutional sponsors, archiving marginalized populations is particularly challenging.…

In this article, Venezia discusses the influence of the archive on the comics of Alan Moore and proposes using the archive as a “model and method” for “reading the history” presented in similar types of graphic narratives. Ephemeral objects of…

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Participation in digital archives and collaborative digital environments, according to Vetter, can lead to increased student motivation, rhetorical awareness, and an increased awareness of library resources and the concepts of public information,…

This article reports on a study investigating academic librarians' varying experiences of archives in order to promote understanding and communication among librarians and archivists. A qualitative, phenomenographic approach was adopted for the…

Tyler Walters, archivist, librarian and associate dean of Virginia Tech’s technology and information resources, discusses the nature and responsibilities of academic librarians as they undertake the collection and curation of digital content. He…

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Have you ever been in collaboration and needed to get quick information sharing within your group, incorporating the social media as a tool? Wankel includes reports that discuss the importance technologies have been to educate educators on the use of…

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Ever wondered how to integrate the social media in the different courses, then this book covers approaches in applying them together. The author provides the impact technology has in collaborative settings, how technologies expanded in the different…
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