Digital Archiving Resources

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ADHO supports digital research and teaching across all subjects, and is a community based advisory committee.

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Explores how art archiving is changing in theory, how our understanding of archiving is influenced and changed, and how archives can be made accessible. The topic of what archiving is, what it means to society, and the value it holds is addressed in…

"Introduced by Clive Phillpot, and including artists and writers such as Gustav Metzger, Bruce McLean, Barbara Steveni, John Latham, Barry Flanagan, Edward Burra, Penelope Curtis, and Neal White, All This Stuff breaks new ground in the field of…

This website is a brief primer on digital photos will deal with the world of digital photography and digital photos. It will answer some of the basic questions about digital photography such as What exactly is a digital photo, "What is DPI", and "How…

Integrates and explains the role of writing, film, and photography in the digital world.

Great attention and focus has been made towards preserving physical documents, pages, and books. However, as we become more technologically advanced our attention has shifted. There is a great need for improvements and maintenance with regards to our…

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The proceedings of a conference regarding the issues faced by the European Commission’s FP7 PSP-funded project, E-ARK. At the time of its publishing, the project had recently shifted its focus to open access, which had a profound effect on the…

Elish and Trettien argue the interface of digital collections transfers meaning through its design and acts as a metonym for the sponsoring web site. They scrutinize the visual interface and usability of three web sites housing large digitized…

Scholarly communications librarian Denise Troll Covey elaborates the difficulties and challenges of digitizing and providing access to books. Reporting on three separate studies sponsored wholly or in part by the Carnegie Mellon University Libraries,…

This article reports on a study investigating academic librarians' varying experiences of archives in order to promote understanding and communication among librarians and archivists. A qualitative, phenomenographic approach was adopted for the…
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