Digital Archiving Resources

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Hosted by the University of South Florida Libraries, this conference on the role of libraries an archives in disaster preparedness and response speaks to one of the ways that libraries and archives are so important to the preservation of cultural…

Gladney’s article discusses the issue of addressing user interests in digital preservation. He notes that much scholarship on digital preservation to date (at time of writing) focuses on the interests of artists and scholars but that the users of…

This book's purpose is to review the historic practices of preservation with respect to artifacts preserved in an archive, but to also show the latest in modern techniques for the preservation of everything from documents to sound recordings. This…

This journal article talks about the importance of educating those at the local library or school level who are tasked with a digitizing or scanning project but do not have the proper experience to know how to manage or request the proper resources…

In this article Dale Flecker, the Associate Director for Planning and Systems at Harvard University Library advocates greater involvement by the nation’s scholarly community in the process of preservation and archiving of material. Flecker warns that…

This paper examines the characteristics and variety of digitization training initiatives in North America and to a lesser extent, Europe, and the growing development of credit-bearing courses and programs within higher education relating to…

In their online article for D-Lib magazine, authors Stirling, Chevallier, and Illien cover issues important to researchers using the web from problems of legitimacy to the functionality of search engines. The authors discuss the changing perceptions…

The functionalities that are important to the users of web archives range from basic searching and browsing to advanced personalized and customized services, data mining, and website reconstruction. The author examined ten of the most established…

Community Archives is part of a series called Principles and Practices in Records Management and Archives. The series aims to augment the body of professional knowledge and understanding currently available. Each book in the series offers a detailed…

In January 2000, the Council on Library and Informational Resources (CLIR) assembles a group of professionals who were considered experts from different domains of the information resources communities to address the question: What is an authentic…
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