Digital Archiving Resources

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The Rice University digital scholarship archive is an institutional repository for faculty research, theses and dissertations, and various digitized collections owned by the university. The institution’s archive runs on DSpace and open source…

The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, or "DCMI", is an open organization supporting innovation in metadata design and best practices across the metadata ecology. DCMI's activities include work on architecture and modeling, discussions and…

The California Digital Library (CDL) serves the University of California’s community and over 200 institutions including academic libraries, public libraries, museums, and historical societies. The CDL also sponsors several digital archiving projects…

Daniel Cohen, professor of history at George Mason University and director of the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media and the late Roy Rosenzweig, professor of history and innovator in digital scholarship at George Mason University…

As the “Foreword” by Geoffrey Yeo says, Millar explains archives as “the tools we can use to help us understand where we came from and where we are going” (vii). Her book explains ways of understanding and supporting archives. It sets up important…

On his radio show, Kojo Knamdi interviews three people involved in the Digital Public Library of America, a project that focuses on digitizing information from libraries, museums, and archives from around the nation and making them available online.…

The PADI Web Archiving webpage provides an overview of global web archiving practices as well as resources on issues related to web archiving. It briefly defines different models for and approaches to web archiving before providing case studies of…

Elings and Günter discuss the different standards used for coding metadata among different types of institutions. They explain different systems that can be used, including the data structure systems CDWA, MARC and EAD; data content systems CCO,…

The Automatic Obsolescence Notification System, version 2 (AONS II) is a system designed by the National Library of Australia and the Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories to monitor archived digital files in order to help archivists…

Traditional information sources such as books, photos and sculptures can easily survive for years, decades or even centuries but digital items are fragile and require special care to keep them useable. Rapid technological changes also affect digital…
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