This paper describes the expansion of web archiving in Singapore and its affiliation with international copyright law. The authors outline the concept of legal deposit in a modern and historical context. In addition, the authors contrast voluntary…
The California Digital Library (CDL) serves the University of California’s community and over 200 institutions including academic libraries, public libraries, museums, and historical societies. The CDL also sponsors several digital archiving projects…
This anthology offers a comprehensive overview of theoretical approaches to cultural heritage institutions and digital media. Featuring authors from a broad variety of disciplinary fields, it aims at an international, cross-disciplinary audience of…
Following over a decade of widespread use, social media platforms have evolved into virtual spaces where users create and store meaningful content, suggesting their potential to serve as components of personal digital archives. This article explores…
The convergence of libraries, archives, and museums (LAMs) into monolithic organizations has been framed as a retreat from isolated, hierarchical institutions that are increasingly irrelevant in a networked age. The emerging prevalence of digital…
A new policy directive establishing the internal NARA structural, environmental control, fire safety, preservation, and security standards for appropriate archival storage conditions in NARA archival facilities
This book equips non-professional archivists with the skills to tackle one of the most challenging tasks of archiving: arranging and describing archival materials. Carmicheal offers step-by-step guidance to understanding the purpose of organization…
Caroline Brown’s text Archives and Recordkeeping is made to understand the importance of archives and the roles it holds in society by presenting detailed explanations and presentations. Archives are the preservation of past, present and future…
Through seventeen essays, the discussion of opportunities in regards to the preservation of literature via Shakespeare as a staple for digital humanists and how the digital revolution is impacting Shakespearean studies is processed and analyzed.…
The David Rumsey Map Collection features nearly 50,000 historical maps spanning from 1492 to the present-day. More than simply a repository, the website is an interactive database giving users the ability to download the actual record and create…