In this article, authors, Hurford and Runyon, describe the series of tasks and types of collaboration needed to create a digital collection. These tasks include strategies for classifying and managing files, developing metadata, establishing criteria…
Webinars have a unique advantage over books or journal articles in that they are interactive and allow viewers to direct questions to the host. Although no longer an interactive webinar, in this one-hour video Jim McGrath gives an overview of Omeka,…
Oracle9i: SQL with an Introduction to PL/SQL not only prepares individuals for the first exam in both the Oracle Database Administrator and Internet Application Developer Certification Tracks; it offers a true understnading of Oracle9i: SQL and how…
This book equips non-professional archivists with the skills to tackle one of the most challenging tasks of archiving: arranging and describing archival materials. Carmicheal offers step-by-step guidance to understanding the purpose of organization…
This article details the usage of an XML based infrastructure to record and keep track of the metadata used in persistent archives, mainly by a collaboration with the Nation Archives and Records Administration (NARA). It is the result of the desire…
In Preserving Memory, Linenthal discusses the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. throughout all stages of its creation. He discussion the ownership of memory, whether political or cultural, and the political motivations behind the creation of the…
Data collection is constant and even insidious, with every click and every "like" stored somewhere for something. This book reminds readers that data is anything but "raw," that we shouldn't think of data as a natural resource but as a cultural one…
“Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries” is one out of many in a elongated series. This exact version is titled as the Third European Conference Proceedings, published in 1999. The purpose of this text is to enhance the skills of the…
The Research Data Access & Preservation Summit is an annual conference hosted by the Association for Information Science and Technology. The past events page provides links to programs, and conference presentation slides from 2011-2013, and 2015…